Sunday, July 19, 2009


i want a life of wholehearted abandonment and service to jesus. i believe that the gospel message is so radical and life changing and that once it takes hold of your life there is no turning back. there is no halfhearted living. once you have experienced jesus--he is enough.

life is way too exhausting, hard, challenging and overwhelming to do this without jesus. even in my highest of highs i am constantly reminded of my need for him because when i try to do this whole life thing on my own i fail and let myself and others down. simply put--i need jesus constantly.

i am an emotional wreck when i start thinking about my future and what is in store because i simply can't control it. it is like a constant slap in the face from god that i can't do this on my mind so i need to stop trying.

everything i am, jesus, i am yours. thank you for taking me as i am.

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