Sunday, July 26, 2009


yesterday we spent the day in colorado springs and went shopping. i was honestly dying to go back to camp and get out of the hectic city life. but, the day was spent with wonderful people and even when on the way home, when we almost went to new mexico instead of westcliffe--we had a great time full of deep, loving conversation. at dinner we started talking about things we were thankful for and honestly we could have gone on has been such an incredible summer.

so here's just a few of our blessings that we mentioned over dinner:
1.) the fact that camp is secluded on the side of a mountian in the little town of westcliffe. it is relaxing and refreshing and one of my favorite places in the world
2.) we have authentic relationships here and we can be honest with one another and know that we will be accepted. the community is like no other. we love, serve, respect, and care for one other and we are always having a good time.
3.) our freedom...basically saturday is our day off and we are allowed to do whatever we want. yesterday we had the opportunity to go to the springs, but we have had the chance to do so many things this summer
4.) we have friends with cars that are willing to drive and thankfully their cars work
5.) even when when we get stressed out and lost, give us just a minute and we have the ability to switch right back to our fun selves in a matter of moments and of course there is laughter.

with only a week and a half left my heart is breaking with the idea of leaving, but i put my hope in the fact that god has big plans in store for my future.

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