Saturday, July 11, 2009

i love colorado

i love colorado. i love the mountains. i love the tiny town in the middle of nowhere. i love the people i serve with daily. i love the laughter. i love not watching an ounce of television. i love the community. i love the dancing. i love being stretched out of my comfort zone. i love escaping to the creek at camp and just dwelling in the beauty of god. i love climbing mountains that should never be climbed. i love being at 9,000 ft. elevation daily. i love serving. i love the encouragement from my brothers and sisters in christ. i love the weather and the sunshine and the random rain showers. i love being secluded from the real world.

i hate the idea of leaving. i hate thinking about the realities of life. i hate the fact that collectively as a group we will probably never be together again. i hate the fact that the days fly by without me even noticing. i hate the fact i have been this disorganized. i hate the fact that eleven girls sharing a bathroom makes a sink get dirty really fast. i hate the feeling that the summer is already coming to an end.

what a summer. what an adventure. what a challenge. i wouldnt trade it for anything.

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