Wednesday, February 25, 2009


jesus's grace is amazing. to make a long story, very, very short--today was a bad day. one of those days you do not ever wish upon yourself. one of those days that sneaks up on you out of no where and leaves you just plain dumbfounded. i think that i would be depressed right now if it weren't for jesus. i can honestly say that he is the only one that i can truly turn to and count on. he is consistent, loving, comforting, and i am continually reminded of his grace every single day.

after the events of my days unfolded, i found myself in a panic. i was without my cell phone and literally had no one to confide in. i wanted to talk to my mom, i wanted to hear her comforting voice tell me everything was going to be alright. but, that was simply not an option. god had a bigger plan. i have been told before that you should always go to god first (before you even talk to a godly friend), that he is the one that will truly be able to help you in your times of need. but, i always struggle with my human nature and the desire to confide in another human being. today i had to solely rely on jesus. i had the opportunity to take my bible, journal and ipod and head to the duck pond for a quiet time. i needed the isolation and serenity. jesus transformed my soul and left me with a greater peace than any human could have given me.

so, looking at today from eternal perceptives (which is what counts) today was a highly successful day. although, i wish the events could have played out differently, for me to experience this amazing alone time with jesus--i know that jesus had this day planned out when he was creating me and the large impact it would have on my life. there is no one but jesus that satisfies. there is nothing on this earth that we can put are trust in and have complete faith that it will sustain. there is no one but jesus that can take a horrible day and transform it into a day of great spiritual growth.

i love this passage...
"so we do not lost heart. though our outer nature is wasting away, out inner nature is being renewed day by day. for this slight momentary affliction is preparingfor us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison as we look not to the things that are sen but to the things that are unseen. for the things that are seen are TRANSIENT, but the things that are unseen are ETERNAL. "
2 corinthians 4:16-18
(im considering memorizing this passage i love it so much)

wednesday feburary 25th is almost over and i am incredibley thankful:)

1 comment:

  1. ((I tried commenting earlier let's see if it works now.))

    God works in amazing ways and he constantly surprises me by answering my prayers to grow closer to Him and to really rely on Him. I love being able to read about how God is working in your life and talking to you about it!

    Sorry you had a rough day yesterday. And you/we really should be memorizing verses I think. :)
