Friday, February 27, 2009

finally friday

i had an awesome time at cru tonight. although, i think that jeff highfield is a great campus director sometimes i can be bored by his talks, but tonight he was on. he talked about holiness and how god desires for us to be holy like he is holy. many people associate holiness with boringness, but this is far from the truth. god said that he came to give us life ABUNDANT. jeff went on to talk about what a lifestyle of holiness looks like. he did tell us what we can and cannot do, but simply said some things create a barrier between us and god's holiness. his examples's difficult to praise jesus after watching saw IV, or listening to little wayne. our minds are clouded with unholy thoughts that distract us from acknowledging him. he basically left it up to us to decide what we consider unholy in our lives. recently, i have really gotten into working out to girl talk. the dj mixes current top 40 hits to make some serious beats, but the songs can be just plain disturbing/crude and those are the song lyrics that get stuck in my head at the end of the day. so, i think its pretty easy to see that i will be switching up my music tastes for the gym. i want to find some christian rap artists that i like. i know i will continue to listen to secular music other times throughout the day, but i love to listen to rap when i workout and clean rap is pretty much impossible to find. so any suggestions? jeff also encouraged us to memorize scriptures which i think is an awesome idea that i want to take seriously.

ok, so it's kinda late. im going to sleep. only ONE WEEK until spring break. hard to believe. i swear college messes up your view of time. life goes by so fast AND slow at the same time. my fam is visiting on saturday and i am excited to see their lovely faces--although i have no idea what we are going to do unless we somehow get tickets to the duke game--which would be AMAZING. but, i have very little hope.

grace and peace.

1 comment:

  1. i need to hear how you got those sweet duke tickets! UNC three days away! :)

    i really enjoyed Jeff's talk. he definitely gave me a lot to think about... talk to you soon!
