Monday, March 2, 2009

oh the snowy days of march

i am currently up way past my bedtime, but the snow is still falling outside and that's giving me hope that maybe one of my classes will be canceled tomorrow. it sucks because my brothers don't have school tomorrow--i am incredibly jealous of them at this point. my roommate is up late talking to her bf on the phone/watching vh1 reality tv shows. i am not going to say that i am not annoyed. i think that i know more about their relationship than anyone. i hear every conversation. they are currently talking about what attracts them to each other. it's just kinda gross and obnoxious. ok...i am done venting. it's just a really small room and we are not close enough that i feel that i can be real with her...for example i can't tell her how DUMB i think vh1 reality tv shows are. done. promise. i love my roommate and i know this is part of living in the dorm.

so, this was a pretty chill weekend. my fam came on saturday, which was wonderful. we went to the duke game and sat on the front row!!! (although, sadly the hokies did lose) we ended up at applebee's for dinner and then they left. the main event of my weekend was the frontline breakfast on saturday morning where i learned about being a bstud leader for cru next year. we learned a lot about what it takes to be a bstud leader and the application process. i honestly don't know what i want to do. i am overwhelmed by the idea of being a leader, and yet at the same time i know it could be a great experience. the application is due thursday! wow. i tried to work on some of it today and i wasn't really feeling it. i dont know if that is a sign. but, honestly i wasnt in the mood to do anything today. i need to do some serious praying because no one can tell me the right thing to do. my mom thinks it's a great idea. she had the opportunity to take leadership position in her bible study years ago and has just started to lead and wishes she did it earlier. but i dont know what's best for me. any feedback?

"aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. aim at earth and you get neither" c.s. lewis

check this video out...

1 comment:

  1. MTV shows are the worse and VH1 shows are worst!

    Now we've talked about everything! :( But I love the video and reading you updates!!! Where is the picture from? See you tomorrow bright and early! I'm too excited bout tomorrow to sleep! Ahh!

