Tuesday, February 24, 2009

blah mondays

so today was the last monday in february. that was the thought running through my head this morning as i got groggily out of my loft. no more mondays in february. i don't know if this is the right attitude to wish the month away, but i am ready for some warmer temperatures and summer. but, sometimes this causes me to forget about the present. the current day-to-day life that i am currently living. i am one to think that on this date in the future i will have it all together. i forget that even when i am living in that far off future date i am going to have struggles. there are always issues in life, unexpected complications, heartbreaks and just plain stressful, overwhelming days. so, i should learn to enjoy the present.

i think that i might want to add a creative writing minor. weird, but i really find myself able to express myself through writing. i don't know if it will be way too much writing, but i would love a place to fuel this desire. my mom loves the idea so that kinda helps. i am currently a human development major and i want to become a counselor. so...creative writing really has nothing to do with what i want to do. but i dont think i will have another time in my life to be taught how to write. i do have to figure out how to work the credits into my schedule. i have to say i was trying to figure out my schedule for the next couple semesters and i was getting overwhelmed! i wish my advisor would hand me a sheet and be like "take this class second semester junior year" and this way you will get every class you need. right now it's like a puzzle trying to fit all the classes into the next 3 yrs.
another thought about my education, i don't think i will ever be done! my human development major doesn't really take me anywhere without futher education. but that means some kind of grad school or maybe seminary (to become a christian counselor) after i graduate. i don't know how i feel about being in school for the next 6 years. but we will see what happens i am only a freshman.

natalie and i have been doing a great job challenging each other to be more productive/healthy/spiritual...here are a few of our goals
1. no facebook...as you know. im going through a little bit of withdraw, but i am handling it alright.
2. gym/running. especially the running part. i have been pretty good about going to the gym this semester, but natalie and i have decided to pick up running. today we ran a mile and half! (and remember we just started!)
3. no desserts...except one per weekend. i almost always get a cookie, ice cream or pie every night. it has become a habit of mine. not only is it wasting away my meal plan it doesn't help me stay healthy.
4. less time on the internet in general. no obsessing over fmylife.com or my guilty pleasure people.com. im especially trying to stop watching tv as a form of relaxation...it doesn't even leave me relaxed! i need to know how to handle my time better.
5.more jesus. more studying. more time for real relationships. less time doing things with no fulfillment.
wow. long post. good night.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you remembered to have your quiet time after paranormal state tonight! :) Ugh Lent is going to be difficult! I am glad I will have you to keep me accountable! I wish Spring Break was after Easter, it's going to be hard to keep the dessert rule during Spring Break! Ah! But we can do it!

    I hate February but I also hate March. I always think that things will get better/easier later on but that is jarring that we are never guaranteed an easier life (unless you count in Heaven).

    You and Lindsey could take Creative Writing class together! :D That would be cool :) Love u!
