Monday, November 16, 2009

less than 6 weeks

currently, i smell a frozen pizza cooking downstairs and i know that i am home. our little house is full of this wonderful goodness and it is taking every bit of self control that i have to not run downstairs and steal a piece and ruin my dinner. today, is november 16th and instead of feeling like a crisp fall day, it felt like a warm spring day. i am confused what season it is. i want to be in the thanksgiving spirit (does that exist?) and i simply cannot feel it when it feels like may here in blacksburg. but, regardless of the weather i will be heading home to richmond in just a few short days to begin to celebrate my favorite holiday of the year and to bask in good food and family. although, we are not quite at the end of the semester, there is very little time left after thanskgiving break and i am beginning to feel like the semester is winding down, final tests, final papers, the conclusion of another semester surprises me. i am taken aback that i have been back in blacksburg for three months now. i have concluded that in the year of 2009 i have spent no more than 6 weeks in richmond. to think that there was a time that i spent less than 6 weeks away from richmond is a distant memory. reflecting on this semester and further more the conclusion of almost another year i cannot help but notice change in myself. changes that i am happy with, proud of, and changes that annoy me. another year has gone by and my hair is longer and my teeth have probably shifted thanks to my lack of retainer use, but who am i as a person? are these changes only evident to me? and what, i am dying for this answer, does this next year hold?

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