Monday, November 2, 2009

i love my roommate. i love all of my housemates, but i just can't get over how much i really love living upstairs with my room connected to cary's. cary and i have the strangest relationship that really works and i love her dearly. she is so good to me. being an engineer and a diligent student she will be pulling an all nighter at the empo tonight. i havent seen her all day, actually more than a day, since yesterday afternoon. but, i miss her when she's not here. mostly because she distracts me from my work and listens to my ridiculous stories from the day. the upstairs is empty without her here right now. we have lived together for a little over two months and i cant even count the nights that we have kept each other up way too late talking. the other week, we stayed up until 4 a.m. talking and i made her promise that i would be in her wedding. (what a girly thing to do--stay up late talking about weddings) although, we spend a lot of time laughing, there is a depth to our relationship. she challenges me and tells it like it is. everyone needs someone like that in their life.

friendship is good. we are so clearly made for relationships. we werent meant to do this thing called life alone.

“friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

--c.s. lewis

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