Sunday, November 1, 2009

mwf 10:10

i wish i had something brilliant, inventive and creative to write here. i hope to not waste your time with just my current thoughts and frustrations. but then again, i don't even know who reads this so i am really just writing to a blank audience.

college is really the strangest time period, a time of self discovery and growth clothed in late nights and even later mornings. my earliest class is 10:10 a.m. and if given the opportunity i would sleep through it without thinking. midnight is an early bedtime and frozen pizza is a classic dinner option. i think the thing that bothers me the most about college is that i can't identify what i am. i am not a child or an adolescent, but i am, in my mind, the farthest thing from an adult. i live independently, dependent on my parents. i use the word home loosely depending on where i am. if i am in class and heading "home" that of course would be the 411, but when i think about home, my true home, in richmond, i havent been there in months and that makes my heart ache for normalcy and stability.

tonight, the united states celebrated halloween. i may be dumb in saying the united states, maybe it's a worldwide holiday? i thought it was a holiday about young children, candy corn and "trick or treat-ing." i think that it was actually created as an excuse for college students to get excessively wasted and parade around the streets in ridiculous outfits. outfits that they would be ridiculed in on any other day of the year. it's not that halloween isn't fun in some ways. but, im also disgusted by it. how one holiday can lower the standards of an entire town. sometimes i think that college students are simply wasteful, self-centered, obnoxious human beings and i am ashamed to call myself one of them.

i constantly forget my identity is not in my age bracket or school colors (but, i do have to say orange and maroon have really grown on me)

when everything else lets me down or fails to meet even the lowest of expectations, i have you jesus and you are always good.
"you hem me in--behind and before"
-psalm 139:5

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