Saturday, September 19, 2009


i sit here on a friday night and i dont have any particular thoughts running throughout my head. instead my mind is wandering, thinking about things that are important and unimportant. i can tell that my feet are dry. they were covered in tie dye and dirt earlier tonight, so i had to scrub them clean and now they are begging to be hydrated. my week was long, or was it? monday seems like a lifetime ago, but at the same time i cannot believe we are already done with our fourth week of classes. i am going to cville for the weekend and this will be my first time leaving the burg, since i moved back in august. i will be gone for twenty four hours, so really no significant amount of time, but i wonder, will i miss it at all? what will my homecoming look like? will it be like coming home? will i rejoice in my room, my house, and all the things that i associate with blacksburg? has blacksburg somehow in four weeks, morphed itself completely into my life? or, will i long to stop by richmond on my way back to blacksburg? will i want to venture the mere hour out of the way to see my family and be spoiled by my mother? will blacksburg,in my mind, cease to exist when i am gone? i don't know, but somehow i feel that how i respond is very significant to who i become.

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