Tuesday, September 22, 2009

there are not that many words left in me

i am written out. i in fact have been spending the last few days writing. writing for my creative writing class. it was a painful process but i am happy with the results. i did not believe this was going to be the case when i was sitting in the daily grind all afternoon yesterday forcing myself to write. but, writing has a way of surprising you. thoughts came out on paper that i didnt know i had. i wish i could share the paper with you. but seeing that it is eight pages in its entirety i will not be posting it on my blog.

on a side note, i have been loving my housemates more and more. they are so good to me. granted, good sometimes consists of lighting a fire under my butt to force me to get my homework done. but, nevertheless they have been a joy.

i have been feeling particular drained the last couple of days. i think i need to just escape and bask in who jesus is. i am always going. i need to be still. who knew that concept could be so hard? we are commanded "be still and know that i am god." psalm 46:10

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