Monday, May 11, 2009

less than 24 hours before goodbye

i am sitting in deets and in reality i should be studying. i should be focusing on my exam that i have to take tonight, but of course i am distracted and rightfully so. this year is ending and the rain is pouring down outside. as i sit in deets, i cannot imagine not being in this place for three and an half months. to me this reality. the uncomfortable sofas and hard chairs of deets are where i have spent countless hours this semester: studying, attempting to study, talking, laughing, catching up after a weekend at home, sleeping, drinking tea and simply living life. but, even when i return in the fall deets will not be the same to me. yes, i may come here to study, but deets will no longer be a quick 4 min walk from my dorm. this is a constant reminder that life never stays the same. with each season there is new hardbreak, love, laughter, joy, exhaustion, anxiety, and change.

but, what if i am not ready for this new season of life? although, i know i am about to go through a period of growth. like a three year old brat, i simply dont want to. i am finally adjusted. i never thought i would be ok with showering with flip flops, sharing a room, or florescent lights, but those things all remind me of lee 538 and i dont want to leave.

a part of my heart is now here in blacksburg with my girls. there is no way that anyone can prepare you for the deepness of relationships in college. they are so vastly different than my friends in high school. we live life together.

abp lunches, monday night tv, late nights, cru, moes and the lyric, thai food, the homeplace, scone fridays, tatoos, dancing, lots and lots of laughter, facebook stalking/videos, bandannas, d2 brunch, sleepovers, skyping while we should be studying, ice cream, embarrasing stories, caring for each other, praying for each other, encouraging one another, supporting one another.

"i thank my god upon every remembrance of you." philippians 1:3

1 comment:

  1. i am very envious you had that college experience.

    i most certainly did not and there is no way that i could be happier to be home. i can't WAIT to start over next year, with new friends and new places and new attitudes.
