Tuesday, May 19, 2009

favorite things

oranges from d2-i love stealing a few to snack on throughout the day and they are always sweet. i cant find them like this at home
clean laundry-i say this as the majority of my clothes sits on the floor of my laundry room awaiting cleaning. it will be nice when it is done.
mix cds-i love giving/getting mix cds. i cant explain the feeling of driving in the car with windows down listening to new music that was picked out for you
homemade cards-i dont think that anything could brighten my day more. i pretty much hate all generic hallmark cards. haha. i just love when people put their creative twist on things, even if they say they are not creative
TOMS-ok these shoes are comfortable, cute and they help children in need. is it bad that i want another pair?
journals w/o lines-i love being able to doodle in my journal/write in whatever size i want to. sometimes i like to write really big and with capital letters, it's my way of screaming
walking barefoot-sometimes it just feels good to lose the shoes
abp coffee>starbucks coffee-this is a fact. it breaks my heart that there is no abp in rva. starbucks cannot master the iced skim vanilla latte like abp
gillies breakfast-there is nothing like a huge plate of gillies pancakes for $5 to light up your morning and leave you stuffed for days

1 comment:

  1. Call me soon. I'll bring a mix CD if you do. I work full time, but any night this week I'm all yours.

    I'm in pain from missing you and your wonderful spirit so much.

    PS- I'm obsessed with your blog.
    PPS- What do you with your days now that your home?
