Sunday, April 12, 2009

its been a while

i realized that i miss blogging. it's fun and it encourages me to write. i think that i got overwhelmed because there was so much going on in my life and i didnt know where to begin to blog. lets just say life hasnt been going exactly as planned lately. but it fact that is life. this past week i spent at home from school because i had to get my appendix removed last week. it was a week of doing basically nothing. for a few days i didnt have the strength to get out of bed and that is not me. basically, i am positive that god had some plan for me being at home all week. the rest was enjoyable and a MUCH slower pace than normal. in fact i cannot think of week that i have done this little, in the LONGEST time and i have to tell you i get antsy fast. but, through god's strength i got through this week. the pain has subsided and i am heading back to school today, with mounds of make-up work. haha

i am intrigued by what god is going to teach me this week. it's going to be an interesting week on campus. thursday is the two-year anniversery of the april 16th massacre. i hope that this can be a time of great growth and recovery for a campus that still incredible broken by the events of april 16th. its harder for me to relate, to the upperclassmen because i was not there on that horrible day two years ago.

also, hey, today is easter... i love this scripture
"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed."

enjoy your easter sunday and hopefully ill update soon.

1 comment:

  1. SHELLY i'm excited that you posted

    being sick is always a vacation for me.
    i don't know about you, but i'm counting down the days until summer.
