Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ending the day singing...

so...what started out as a normal tuesday ended up being a fantastic day. after i got my 3 ridiculously long classes (ok they are only about an hour) out of the way i rejuvenated and had a great day. natalie and i decided to skip the gym and spend some time catching up in deets and i ended up working a great deal on my bible study leader application. there were some good time with friends intermitted throughout the day and now even at 1 am i am still happy enough to blast (in my headphones) some jackson five and sing along. while, my roommate is peacefully sleeping i am breaking down my dance moves.

tomorrow is wednesday and while i normally love wednesday for the fact that i have bible study, i will be skipping bible study this week to go to the UNC game! i am very excited, i had a great time at the duke game on saturday and i know with a sports fanatic like natalie we are a bound to have a great time. i think the only think that could make the night better is if the hokies somehow pulled off a win against those tarheels. i think that would make it a game to remember. but anyway i will be happy!

ok, so it has been a long day and unlike most people who are planning on catching up on their sleep over spring break i know i will come back even more sleep deprived so i should be heading to bed now.

>>>random fact. i love to read and the new jodi picoult book came out today! i think that i am going to wait to borrow it or wait til it comes out in paper back because i already have a long list of books i want to read before her new one. also-i love to read beth moore's blog and she recently put up a post requesting book recommendations that i would love to go through. i saw a lot of people mention redeeming love...which i love! in my opinion, you cannot get any better christian fiction than redeeming love. i am just hoping that maybe somewhere is the 500 comments i can find another book i like as much as redeeming love


  1. I really want to read that book! I've heard a lot of good things about it but I have never gotten around to reading it!

    Did you love the UNC game!? I wished it lasted all night but it was awesome and lovely! I hope you had fun!!! See you soon girly! :)

  2. SHELLEY it's katie hirtz!

    i love these blog entries.
    you are always so inspiring to be around and reading these is absolutely wonderful.

    please keep posting because i'm definitely reading!

    ps- it's a long story as to how i found your blog so i'll just say that i'm really creepy and i know everything about you.

