Monday, April 12, 2010


It's funny how some relationships change and some stay the same no matter what. I was talking to one of my best friends from high school today and honestly it was a stretch to keep the conversation going. There was a period of time that I made her promise to help me paint my house when I had a family, now I wonder if I will even think to call her when I get engaged. I haven't seen her in person for more than three days in years, but there was a time in life when we spent all our time together. She would camp out at my house, for days at a time. We were stranded without cars and licenses, but we also wanted to be together. I don't know if we have simply out grown our friendship or each other, but it's funny how little she knows about me now.

And then there are those rare friends that for some reason it doesn't matter if you saw them yesterday or six months ago, you are exactly the same. I wonder what qualities those relationships have that keep them so strong. I want to find it and bottle it up and immerse all my relationships in it.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean... I have noticed this too. I can go months without talking to Louie, but the second we see each other we can talk for hours. But it is not that way with most old friends, and I don't know why.
