Sunday, March 21, 2010


I try to remember to bless my food before each meal. A simple prayer, sometimes with friends, sometimes forgotten. A few words that sometimes come out of habit. I keep praying for God to bless me, my friends, my family. In reality, I simply need to open my eyes and see the blessings everywhere I am. I am blessed. I should say that to myself over and over again because I keep asking for more and I have so much. So much. Not, in a bratty way; in a "I honestly don't think I deserve" another thing way. I don't, but Jesus is so incredibly faithful and loving. I would live for him if he took everything away, but like a father he wants nothing more than to give his children good gifts.

This is so preachy. But, open your eyes. See the world and see how nothing else is better than Jesus.

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