Saturday, October 3, 2009


i was going back and forth between the idea of going home or staying in blacksburg this weekend. it has been six weeks since i ventured to the great city of richmond and my heart is aching for the comfort of my mother's cooking and some of the simple joys of suburbia that i was raised on. in the end, i decided that it would be too much to make the trek to richmond this weekend. my parents are busy and i had this feeling that i would show up in rva with nothing to do. i was perfectly content with the decision until, i had to actual act on it. but, i think that, in reality, i miss the memories more than richmond. in my mind, every time i go home i think that this time it's actually going to be like it used to be. but, it never is. i am not trying to be depressing. but, i need to dwell on truth: that stage is over, move on, and grow up. but, even over a year into this whole college thing, i am still waiting for my mom to show up and take me back to life as i knew it.

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