Friday, September 25, 2009

i have heard the story of how my parents met countless times, i don't think i know the complete story, but a version of the story that is appropriate for them to tell their children. it basically consists of the fact that my mom worked at the sub shop that was in the same shopping center that my dad did, and he frequented the sub shop enough for them to strike up a friendship and for him to ask her out. oh, did i mention at the time my mom was 17 and my dad was 24. she was still in high school, granted she would graduate a few months later, and he had already graduated college. they claim that both thought that they were 21. in fact, neither of them were. i wish i could see their first few interactions, i cant imagine my parents not knowing each. they are the two most consistent people in my life and i cannot wrap my mind around the fact that at one point they were strangers to each other. yesterday, they celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary and boy have they experienced a lot in their 21 years: raised three children, found god, moved houses, traveled the world, changed jobs, cried, laughed, loved and been each others best friends.

i only hope to be as happy as them after 21 years of marriage and their relationship gives me hope that you can find your soul mate anywhere.

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