Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A lot has happened over this year, a lot has shaped who I am on this day, on this August 18th. Looking back on last year's August 18th, I could not predict for you what my future held, or how I would be shaped by such experiences of losing, of gaining, of deep joy, and mild sorrow. So much life has happened in these few short summer months that it will be impossible for me to return to Tech as the same person who left in May. I have a better understanding of who I am and who I want to stand beside me in this exciting journey of figuring out what I want life to look like. Big changes are coming, how could they not? Some so big, and some so internal, that it would be impossible to describe to you through these words. But if you know me, if you know my heart, you will know where I am coming from. You can no longer predict me, my every move, my habits, my tendencies. There is something bigger than what I experienced this past year at Tech. There is a movement that is happening, and I want to take part. What is that asking of me? I am not sure yet. I just know that life isn't about the daily drama. Let's cut the crap and start living for something more real, something more satisfying. Wouldn't you want to follow this at all costs? Wouldn't you want to follow this, even if it meant changing your lifestyle?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley, I'm so glad you shared your blog with me. You are a wonderful writer and ask such powerful questions. It was great to see you last night....have a great year. Now we can stay in touch online!
