Wednesday, August 12, 2009

britney lindsey zito spears

dearest lindsey zito,

you are the essence of cool that i want to be. you bring out the best in me, my authentic, true self that no one really sees. you have this ability to make me spill my guts and then some and still find some way to make me laugh about it. you make me feel comfortable, loved, beautiful, and accepted. you are the definition of a true friend.

"friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."


  1. um... CRYING. cant wait to be friends forever. cant wait to dare i say it, live together and have those matching bedspreads i keep talking about. love love love youuu ad infinitum. i mean it

  2. and the coffee pot with matching mugs.. even though i cant drink straight coffee yet
