Thursday, June 4, 2009


my life is adventure. in the last six days i have:

-entered the state of colorado for the first time
-gone backpacking/camping in the mountains of colorado
-met 35 other college students that were just unknown facebook friends to me a week ago
-gone white water rafting in the frigid cold water and survived
-been so cold in june

i was completely blown away by the majesty of the colorado mountains while driving home from rafting today. these mountains are in my backyard every day but there was just something special about being literally SURROUNDED by these mountains. i cant explain the beauty. it was such a wonderful drive with four girls that i met a week ago. we are all on a wreckless pursuit to know christ more this summer and that unites us.

we have our first day off on saturday and we are going to explore the tiny cities that surround us in westcliffe. then on sunday our first batch of campers come. it's going to be a crazy summer.

god has already answered so many of my prayers in this past week. he has calmed nerves, found support checks, built relationships, given me strength, provided great spiritual leaders, and provided safe travels.

"blessed is she who has believed that what the lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
luke 1:45

1 comment:

  1. enjoy the adventure and the wreckless pursuit - love it! praying for you often! - JM
