Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the final countdown

so the goodbye have started and reality is setting in. i am leaving i will be in colorado in less than 48 hours working at a summer camp through campus crusade for christ (check out the snowridge link). wow. i don't even believe it as i write it. whats running through my head/prayer requests:

the transition-i am oh so worried about making friends. i am leaving behind so many people that truly care about me and entering a world where i know no one. i know as christians we have a natural bond between us that is strong. but, i hate the idea of feeling lonely. i want to be able to find my niche right away.

my friends at home-this includes school friends and rva friends. i will miss all of them so so much. i hope that we can keep up over the summer, somehow. i hate being completely out of the loop, but hey it's gonna happen when we are miles apart

my family-they can get on my last end when i am at home, but when we are apart i genuinely miss them. ha. why is that? i can't seem to ever appreciate what i've got when its right in front of me. i hate myself sometimes for this.

i look through these prayer requests and i realize the importance of relationships in life. we are meant to be in relationships with others, it is simply how we are wired. the connection between two humans is unique and can do so many powerful things. i cannot imagine going throughout life alone.

"life is slippery, here take my hand" -h. jackson brown jr.

1 comment:

  1. shell,

    not sure when you'll read this but i didnt want to post it on our friend blog. anyway, i have been going into the settings of our friend blog and reading all of your drafts for posts. not sure if you knew they saved but know that i miss you and love you and love that i know youre the one writing most of the drafts
