Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the distance between us

one time when we were at a youth camp my youth pastor made the comparison between missing his young children to our heavenly father missing his children. he talked about how his heart broke having to say goodbye to his two little boys for a week.

right now, my soul aches and although we have a few hours left in blacksburg, i have become to accept the fact that i am going to be away from these people. i wonder if my heavenly father is looking down, understanding this grief i am experiencing, because he too feels this way. he wants his children to turn to him, but daily we ignore him and he misses us. we are his beloved creation.

i am sad. distracted. confused. excited. tired. antsy. happy. disappointed. emotional. awake. terrified. lost. distraught. dramatic. found in jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I am bored alone but not lonely tired awake confused hungry not at peace congested allergic irrational
