Saturday, May 16, 2009

411 love

side note: you can download a free live coldplay album at SO GOOD and i love free music

what a day.
i went back and forth to blacksburg with cary for haley's grad party. such an adventure. i loved it. the day was chalked full of beautiful faces and conversations. i walked into the 411 for the last time as a guest. cary and i took a good inventory of all the great things of our future house:

1.) it comes from some great girls that have some awesome traditions. a toast was given today to the 411 girls of past, present, and future. we have this bond through this little house on giles road
2.) cary and i share the upstairs so we basically have a whole level of the house to escape the world and relax
3.) we love our roof and its accessibility. it will be a great place for mediations/stargazing/late night chats
4.) we are going to have a hammock
5.) along with our hammock we have a wonderful backyard and we will be having hopefully, we can get some boys to come help us grill
6.) i hope that it will be a place to fester great relationships, deep conversations, laughter, and a home.

we even made a pit stop in cville to see roni on the way home, which was wonderful. i simply wish i could have all the people i love near me now. i miss my blacksburg gals way too much. i cant really explain it.

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